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Is a limiting belief holding you hostage?

Writer's picture: Insite2AwarenessInsite2Awareness

Do you ever wonder why you find yourself automatically giving a quick negative response to a specific question? For instance, if someone says, hey you want to ride on my motorcycle? Your response is "NO". In your mind, have you considered why you said NO? While growing up your parents would talk about how when they were younger your father had a motorcycle and crashed it. They spoke about how dangerous they were, and how one could easily lose control while driving, etc...... When your subconscious mind heard this story from your parents, it decided to hang onto it and file it in the back of your mind until the appropriate time came about. So when you were asked if you wanted a ride on this persons motorcycle, your subconscious mind quickly found the file, and reminded you of how dangerous motorcycles are. We are not aware of it at the time, but this is called a limiting belief.

A limiting or conditional belief is a resistance to learning and to changing. They are personal beliefs based on past experiences, or unconscious past conditioning the we have programmed throughout our upbringing.

This can be changed so that you no longer have it holding you hostage. You can learn how to recognize it, and learn from it. This is one of the modalities I can teach you. You must be ready to release the past, I like to call it luggage. Also, you must be willing to forgive yourself as well as others. Now, I am not saying you have to knock on someone's door and say, I forgive you, there are other methods of doing so.

When we grow up, oftentimes, we have a tendency to re-create the emotional environment of our childhood. Have you had a boss, friend, or a lover who acted like one of your parents? I know I did. I had a few abusive relationships. In my mind, I thought I had to have a partner who was like my father. I didn't know it was wrong at the time. I only knew that it was what I grew up with. In my head I used my parents as my example, my model of the world. I didn't realize I deserved to be treated with respect. I thought dysfunction was the norm. I was in my early 30's when I went to my first therapist appointment. I had enough of the alcoholic abuser, and wanted to figure out why I kept attracting the same type of people into my life. I explained my situation with the therapist. She explained to me that in my mind I thought a dysfunctional relationship was normal because that is all I knew. I was never exposed to other relatives, or couples who had children. My father didn't like to go many places, especially with five children. We never went out for fast food, or to many events. Basically, we went camping as a family and maybe one or two of his work picnics. We had little exposure to the outside world.

Once I realized I deserve better, I began to change. It took me a while to understand how our thoughts actually attract what we don't want. I would oftentimes, find myself saying things like, "why does always happen to me, or why do I get myself in these types of relationships"? When I waould say these things, the universe heard what I was saying and gave me what I didn't want. Why did it do that? Well, our thoughts are form of energy, and the universe doesn't know when your being sarcastic, or when you say "you don't want....", that it means, you do not want it. The universe is direct, in that it only hears what you are saying. If I said, "I don't want a person who is abusive or is an alcoholic", guess what? I would meet someone who was an alcoholic or abusive. When you want something, you must leave out what you don't want, and only present what you do want. Basically, something like, " I want a person who is kind, understanding, etc...." Also, you have to believe you deserve what you are asking. If you feel you don't deserve it, the universe can feel it, and will act accordingly. So believe in yourself, and don't limit yourself. Limiting beliefs are fears and is a way to give yourself an excuse to why you can't do something. Life is about learning and changing, this is how we evolve. You are holding your spirit hostage by limiting your yourself, because you can do anything your heart desires.

We are all in charge of ourselves, it's not our parents faults, or anyone else's. We are the only ones who can change ourselves. We must first learn to let the past stay in the past, by learning to forgive, and to love ourselves.

Do yourself a favor and look in the mirror and say, "I am a spirit having a human experience, and I am thankful for my life, I love me".❤︎

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